Sunday School 2023-2024... Sundays @ 9:30am


Grades Pre-5


Grades 6-12

We are going through Eduring Faith, Unit:1 'God Creates a World and a Kingdom' from our synod's Concordia Publishing House.
In this unit, we learn key Biblical accounts and foundational learning of how God's plan of salvation all began and also learn how to defend our faith.

So far we have learned:
Lesson 1  'A Mighty Wonder', the wonder of God's creation.
Lesson 2  'The Fall ad a Promise' , the fall of Adam and Eve, and God's promise of the Savior.
Lesson 3  'A New Beginning', Noah and God's promise and his sign, the rainbow.
Lesson 4  'A Call to Action',  Abram led by God away from idolatry and his homeland.
Lesson 5  'A Promising Dream', God's promise to Jacob and his descendants.
Lesson 6  'Hope in Hardship', Joseph's life and how God can use negative things for our benefit
Lesson 7  'Fiery Directions', Moses life directed and equiped by God.
Lesson 8  'The Egypt Exit', God protects Moses and the Israelites.